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true mission statement

I want to make people who support/buys my brand feel like a whole new person. You can put on that one new shirt you've been waiting to put on and feel so much more confident. I want to provide the most comfortable & quality clothing to where you don't even want to take it off. what you wear will determine your mood for the day. So why not let me make you feel comfortable & fly. 
I've always been into fashion & inspired by my older brother Paris Ramone Tolver. He's inspired me in so many ways to find my style as someone I've looked up to growing up. But I will always add my own twist to it. 
I want to be able to make pieces that goes world wide and help people find that piece they may be missing or needing. 
I feel like I've worked hard for years designing & creating pieces for me & others & I'd love to see the world in something I created. 
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